How does it work?

We strive to make the experience as simple as possible for everyone involved. Parents have enough to deal with already, don't you think?

  • An email icon

    Invite your loved ones to record stories. Guide them with prompts that help them choose the right story.

  • An icon depicting a record button with the word REC next to it

    Your family and friends click on a link in the email invite and start recording. All they need is a smartphone.

  • An icon depicting a playlist

    Submitted recordings show up as a playlist. Listen as you watch your littles respond to familiar voices.

Why Nani Stori?

Stories have a way of bringing you in, transporting you, and emotionally connecting you with characters and the world. They build language, introduce real-world concepts, and promote imagination.

The voice of a loved one is also powerful. It can bring a smile to your face, comfort you, and remind you of who they are. 

Nani Stori combines the power of storytelling with the personal connection fostered by voice, helping children grow up feeling the love and support of loved ones who cannot always be there in person.

We provide a platform to make the process of gathering, recording, and playing stories simple and accessible for everyone.